Updated: July 26, 2024

Dr. Yue Dai will be away on August 19 to August 24 and September 13.
Dr. MJ Woo will be away on August 5 to August 13.
Dr. Sheldon Tan will be away on July 26.
Dr. Sheng Ping Lin will be away on July 22, August 2 and August 17 to September 2.
Dr. Yi-Hsuan Amy Hung will be away from August 1 to 5, August 12 and August 26 to September 2.
Dr. Jessica Fenn will be away on July 18 to July 30, August 12, August 15 and August 18 to August 24 and August 27.
Dr. Daphne Tam will be away on July 22 to July 23, July 29, August 12, August 19, August 26, September 9 and September 16 to October 10.
Dr. Katherine Tsang will be away on August 27.
Dr. Yvonne Sin will be away on July 26 and August 19.
Dr. Alice Ho will be away on August 10 to August 18.
Dr. Dennis Ma will be away on July 29.
Dr. Cynthia Kong will be away on September 23 to October 4.

Occasionally, there may be last minute/sudden changes to a doctor’s schedule where you will be contacted and rescheduled on another date or with another doctor. We do apologize for any inconvenience.

**Please note: Dr. Javad Ramezani has moved his practice on November 15, 2023. If you are his patient, you would have received a notice from Dr Ramezani stating that your files has been transferred to his new clinic, please refer to his moving notice for more information.

**Please note: NP Ms Pippin O’Neill retired on December 15, 2023. If you are her patient, you would have received a notice from Pippin regarding her closure. Unfortunately, we do not have doctors to take in her patients, please refer to her closure notice for more information.

**Please note: Dr. Qiming Roger has moved his practice on April 16, 2024. If you are his patient, you will receive a notice from Dr Wu stating that your files will be transferred to his new clinic, please refer to his moving notice for more information.

All 3 clinics will be closed on all statutory holidays, including: August 5 (B.C. Day), September 2 (Labor Day), October 14 (Thanksgiving), November 11 (Remembrance Day), and December 25 (Christmas).

**Please go to the nearest UPCC or hospital for any medical emergency.