
Updated: May 6, 2024

To improve accessibility, some of our doctors are offering telemedicine visits via secure two-way video conferencing. Our patients would be able to use their webcam-enabled computers (Firefox or Chrome browsers), iPhones/iPads (Safari browser), or Android devices (tablets/smartphones: Chrome web browser) to have a video conference with their doctor. You do not need to download any programs to use this service.

*Please note: If your family doctor’s name is not listed below, he/she does not offer this service.

To sign up to use our telemedicine service, please follow these steps:

  1. Read and submit a consent form electronically: Televisit Info and Consent Form
  2. Visit this link to learn more about how it works.
  3. Click on the specific conference URL for the doctor 5 to 10 minutes before your appointment. The doctor will start the visit as soon as he/she is available. If you are experiencing any technical issues or if the doctor is not in the doxy call during the scheduled appointment, please do not hesitate to call our office (778-379-4392).



Q: Is my information safe?
A: We currently use a medical-grade telemedicine service called www.doxy.me. To learn more about their HIPAA compliance, click here to read more. To receive materials via email (e.g. lab requisitions or prescriptions), there is more potential risk for interception. No material will be emailed to you without your request.

Q: How much does this cost?
A: Telemedicine visit is deemed an important service in the Province of BC, so it is currently covered by your provincial health plan (MSP) and free of charge to you. If you do not have MSP coverage, our current fee for this service is $122.00 per visit, subject to change [fee last update April 2024]. Please note that if an in-person visit is deemed necessary, additional fees will apply for the subsequent visit(s).

Q: What can I use this service for?
A: Some examples of appropriate use may include:

    • Medication refills
    • Skin examination
    • Sick notes (fees may apply)
    • Completion of certain medical forms
    • Some medical reports that does not require measurements
    • Review lab and radiology reports
    • General questions regarding your health

Please note that an in-person visit is required for certain prescriptions. 

Q: I have done the consent form. How can I book appointments for telemedicine visits in the future?
A: Please call our office as usual. Our staff will help schedule you for an appointment and remind you of the link to start the teleconference, which will remain the same. You may choose to save the link for future telemedicine visit use.

Q: Who is eligible to use this service?
A: Only patients currently attached to a family doctor at Mango Medical Clinic can use this service.

Q: What happens if I need a prescription or lab test?
A: A prescription can be faxed to a pharmacy of your choice. Written material such as a lab requisition can be emailed to you based on your request. Please note that even though we always take all the proper precautions, emails are less secure than the video conference itself, because emails can be intercepted, mis-addressed, or hacked. Email communication is not recommended for materials of a sensitive matter.