Last Updated: February 28, 2025
Doctors currently accepting patients: NONE
*Do not send intake applications to family doctors in the clinic without prior pre-approval. It will be rejected.
*Some of our doctors may also have some capacity to take on family members of existing patients. Please contact our clinic via phone for more information before sending any emails or intake inquiries.
**Our clinic does not offer internal patient transfers. Once you have an assigned doctor or nurse practitioner at Mango Medical, we do not transfer your files to another doctor in the same clinic. If your family doctor or nurse practitioner is retiring or leaving Mango Medical, we do not transfer or re-assign you to another Mango doctor as all doctors are at full capacity. If you would like your files to be transferred to another clinic, please call our office for more information.
Only follow these steps to register if we have doctors accepting patients (refer to top):
**Please be aware of our zero-tolerance policy which is available on our front page as we do not tolerate any forms of abuse or harassment.**
- If you are over 18 years of age, download and complete an Adult intake form; or if you are under the age of 18, download and complete a Pediatric intake form. (This form is required for each individual, regardless of age)
– Please use your legal name that’s shown on your government-issued ID. You can add brackets to indicate if you have a preferred name.
– On the blank line of the first page of the clinic policy form (page 5), please put the indicated doctor’s name (DO NOT put your own name or “Mango Medical Clinic”). Each check box should be checked off or filled in by your initials.
– Complete the transfer of records section only if you had a previous family doctor or was seen at another primary medical clinic. - Please email a PDF copy of the completed form(s) to: (This email is not for general inquiries.)
– Please put “New Patient Intake – Patient’s Name – Indicated Doctor’s Name” on the title of your email.
– If you were pre-approved for your intake from our clinic, please specify. If your friend/family asked on your behalf, please provide their FULL legal name in your email.
– Photos, faxes and paper mail of your intake forms will be automatically rejected.
– Do not send/attach links (Apple/Google/Outlook/other third party documents). Due to the rise of phishing attacks and scams, we will not accept this method of submission. - Our staff will either call or email you once we have verified that your forms are complete. Depending on clinic availability and doctor preference, you may be offered the option of: phone, virtual (video call) or in-person intake visits.
– Do not call or email our office regarding your intake, repeated calls/emails are not tolerated. You will be contacted accordingly.
– You must physically be in British Columbia in order book your intake appointment. If you are out of province or overseas, we are unable to assist you. - Please visit this link to verify your ID ONLY if you received an email to proceed with your intake.
– Hours for ID verification are: Monday to Friday from 9:30AM to 4PM excluding weekends and statutory holidays.
– We have a timer on our queue, if you leave the queue or call our office within 30 minutes, you will be placed in the bottom of the queue. If 30 minutes has passed and you have not been attended to, please call 778-379-4392 extension 5.
– You will be booked for an intake appointment after you have completed your ID verification.
***Please note: Incomplete intake forms will not be processed so please follow the instructions carefully.***
Thank you,
Mango Medical Team – Kingsway, Beresford, Marpole